Registration Fees

Precautions for UPINLBS2022 conference registration and payment

Before 17/2/2022 After 17/2/2022 One-Day Registration
Regular Registration 1600¥ 2000¥ 1200¥
Student Registration 800¥ 1000¥ 600¥
  1. Payment method: bank wire transfer or on-site payment.
  2. The account information:
    Payee account: 576857528447
    Receiving Bank:  Bank of China Hubei Branch Wuhan Donghu Development LuoJiashan SUB-BRANCH
    Line number: 846 022(in the city) ; 104 521 006 117(Outside the city)
    Conference code: UPINLBS2022 (the conference code must be noted when remittance to facilitate financial auditing)
    Please transfer the registration fee to the official bank account and send a scanned copy of transfer information to
  4. On-site payment: cash and official business card.
  5. On-site payment and conference registration location: State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Department of Information, Wuhan University.
  6. Participants need to provide invoicing information in advance by email, as follows:
  7. Name of participant Name of Unit Unit taxpayer identification number Unit address, telephone Unit bank and account number Registration fee payment amount
  8. Invoice content: only conference fee.

Confirm and Contact

  • Participants are requested to email the return receipt to the conference affairs team's mailbox before March 1, 2022.
  • Conference Contact: Shi Lite and Yang Xianjia
  • Email:
  • Office phone number: 027-87731869
  • Contact phone number: 18071146339 (same number on WeChat)
  • Address: State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University (Zip code 430079)